domingo, 21 de abril de 2013

The wheel-model:
The turning model
La maqueta rodante

7 km of lenght can only be seen as a whole from an airplane or a helicopter.
To cover 7 km  will take you over one and a half hour of walking, or 20 minutes of cycling.
Every ten minutes of walking could bring you in a different area, in a different neighbourhood, in a different atmosphere.
It makes no sense  to design patterns for a piece of land measuring 700m x 7 km that can only be thought of on a scaled drawing.
We therefore introduce the concept of a model build on a turning wheel.
This model can not be seen as a whole. You can only, as in reality, discover bits by bits.
The model is conceived to look at from a standing point of view. You can turn the wheel at the paste you want and the landscape design will pass by your view and imagination.
You will be able to 'scroll' the concepts of individuals.
You will actually walk through San Aurelio, a promising land.
The wheel, when turning, will be seen as a movie, based on a complex and multi-layerd storyboard.

The impossible urbanistic scale of San Aurelio:
Even on a big scale of 1/2500, a house is nothing more than a dot.
This scale and smaller scales (1/1000) allow only for infrastructural design-lines.
The scale is perfect for "zoning", for gigantic urbanistic gestures.
The scale makes it impossible to try out a scating playground, for example, because it disappaers while zoming out.
Human-environment relations get lost on the model.
The wheel doesn't solve that problem, but it can trigger through the imagination of the viewer what life is about in San Aurelio.

jueves, 18 de abril de 2013

10 Rules in this "collaboration-project":

1) design how you want to design
2) draw in black lines
3) respect the bible- lines and zones
4) respect the other groups
5) negotiate with the other groups on the borders of your 'zoning'
6) integrate the existing neighbourhoods when appropriate
7) draw as an urban designer: recognisable streets, footpaths, trees, buildings, roofs, ...
8) respect the small, human scale
9) try to think of mixed functions like commerce and housing
10) avoid big open spaces

April 14, 2013
Tours around Santa Cruz…
Knowing San Aurelio.

April 15, 2003
Talked about Avatar: them and we, professionals and non professionals, students and teachers,
Talked about a Lego-workshop in Arhus, Denmark where the proces atrackted more interest than the end-result.
Talked about Lusaka, Zambia and the compexity of the world.
About Australia and Indonesia.
Talked about the world in 2052 according to Jorgen Randers from Norway.
'No cities, no future!'
A lot of questions where posed, not answered…
Start up of a blog. 

April 16, 2013

Tuesday morning: four groups work on four locations and get different types of information
Tuesday afternoon: registering what has happened in the morning and noting it down meticously, after that presenting to the other groups, discussing it, and filtering out what is surprisingly interesting and what is not
Discussing homogenity in the four representations, both formally and contentwise
Agreements on similar looks in the presentations, in order to be able to compare and to relate to other groups

April 17, 2013

After presenting the process and outcome of each group on wednesday morning, the visual and recorded result of three of the four groups was drawn on one map.
And this map, originated from input from the real world outside the university, will act as a bible. All people that collaborated, have given their truth to the students.

Subsequently, the whole zone was divided into 7 sub-areas, including the adjacent neighbourhoods. Each zone will now be further develloped by two or three students, with total respect of the bible drawing.

In contrast to cooperation, collaboration is driven by complex realities rather than romantic notions of a common ground or commonality. It is an ambivalent process constituted by a set of paradoxical relationships between co-producers who affect each others.

There is more and more evidence that shows that working together may also happen in unexpected ways. Instead of exerting an alleged generosity of a group, where individuals are supposed to pursue solidarity, it may be the reverse: a brusque, in principle, ungenerous mode, where individuals are relying on each other the more they go after their own interests, mutually dependent through following their own agendas.

All conclusions

miércoles, 17 de abril de 2013


Group Green and Water:
All the questioned people relate parks and water-places to a certain urban importancy.
Urban squares are supposed to make out the centre of an area.
All the people situated the squaires and parks in the middle of the area.
According to central axes.
Different squares for different users.
Rythmic also, in a kind of repetitional way.
Organised, because of the importancy.
Todas las personas entrevistadas coinciden que la relación del agua dentro de los espacios urbanos es importante.
Las plazas deben estar situadas de una forma concéntrica.
Todas las personas situaron las plazas y los parques en base a un eje central.
Algunos indicaron la importancia de diferenciar los espacios según el tipo de personas.
El ritmo de la composición y la repetición a lo largo del camino, es una constante en todos los casos.
Distribuir las áreas según la importancia es una cualidad importante marcada por los entrevistados. 


Group facilities

This group talked in an open way to people near San Aurelio.
Citizens spoke about the necessity of city-facilities in a very open and even engaged way.

The importance of public space, open space, green space, sport-facilities was stressed by everyone.

The group coincidently met the president of the area east of San Aurelio.

The outcome of this group was interesting in two ways. The first one describes the relative importancy of areas for leisure, town-facilities, green zones, other functions in an accountable way. Secondly, the analysis of the different designs shows that there is a more important zone towards the south of San Aurelio where more facilities schould be concentrated.

The intervenants focused on this zone because of the necessity of a concentration in the future, far enough away from the actual centre of Santa Cruz.

Este grupo habló con las personas  de una forma abierta en un espacio cerca  de San Aurelio (El Mechero)
Los ciudadanos hablaron a cerca de las necesidades de la ciudad de una manera abierta y comprometida.
La importancia de los espacios públicos, espacios abiertos, áreas verdes, lugares de deporte, eran remarcados por todos.
El grupo por coincidencia conoció al presidente de la Unidad Vecinal de la zona.
Los resultados de este grupo fueron muy interesantes en dos formas diferentes:
La primera que describe la importancia de las áreas de ocio , áreas verdes y otras áreas de implican áreas actividades relacionadas con una responsabilidad ciudadana.
En segundo lugar el análisis de los diseños realizados por las personas entrevistadas nos muestra que es más importante el generar actividades en la zona más cercana al sector sur (cerca de la plaza del Mechero).
Los entrevistados se concentraron en esta zona por la necesidad futura de tener un polo de concentración lejos del centro de la ciudad.

The best road

Group The best road

Do you agree we need some roads to trespass the San Aurelio zone in the future? And can you imagine that some of these roads are developped especially for mobility with bikes?
With a yes of all the confronted people on these two questions, a model was given to line out possible shapes of these slow and faster roads.

The design of these mobility lines came out as beautiful drawings.

Both four students of 16 years old, as well as a kiosk lady opposite a school near San Aurelio produced curving lines following an adventurous path.

An instinctive rationality grew out of their minds on the model.

A no-nonsens drawing with a lot of emotional spirit.
Since most people don't get a grip of the scale of the area, the montage of the six drawings together, results in a more intensified but still similar composition.

Grupo: El mejor camino
Esta de acuerdo con la necesidad de tener vías que crucen transversalmente la zona de San Aurelio en el futuro?
Puedes imaginar que algunas de las vias sean exclusivamente para bicicletas?
Con un si como respuesta a estas preguntas, se entregó a las personas material para que creen maquetas en las que se marcaba en distintos colores las vías de circulación rápida y las vías de circulación lenta.
El diseño de las líneas que marcan la movilización se convierte en hermosos dibujos.
Todas las personas que fueron entrevistadas, entre ellos alumnos de 16 años de una escuela de la zona y una muchacha encargada del kiosco detrás del colegio, diseñaron líneas curvas.
Una racionalidad instintiva de sus mentes se desarrolló en las maquetas.
Un dibujo no desastroso con un espíritu muy emocional.
A partir que la mayor parte de la gente no entiende la escala del área, la sobre-posición de los seis dibujos, da como resultado un diseño más denso pero aún así con una composición similar.


Group Escala: scale and situation

The questioned people here could neither situate, neither "form" San Aurelio on a black map.
In a way, maps are never used by most people.
This maybe means that urban plans don't belong to the world of "normal" people.
The viewpoint of urbanists on cities and cityplanning is therefore maybe embedded in an enclosed professional world.
The students could only return back with this straightforward knowledge of understanding that maps and plans are part of an own designer language.
Grupo: La Escala (Escala y Ubicación)
Ninguna de las personas encuestadas pudo situar o identificar la forma de San Aurelio en un mapa dibujado como una mancha negra.
De cierta forma esto sucede porque estas personas nunca han usado un mapa de la ciudad.
Esto quizá sucede porque los planes urbanos no pertenecen al mundo de las personas “comunes”
El punto de vista de los urbanistas a cerca de las ciudades y del planeamiento de las ciudades está solo encerrado en el mundo profesional.
Los estudiantes retornaron con el sencillo conocimiento que el entendimiento de mapas y planes son solo parte del lenguaje del propio diseñador.

Home for 10 days

The tour to know the

martes, 16 de abril de 2013





A lot of questions where posed, not answered:
What is architecture, who are we to design what? 
Who is interested in our design?
Can we get some more information out there? 
Can we make a plan more efficient? 
Can we use outside information as valuable elements? 
Can we make a design that is grounded, rooted? 
Can we trust spontaneous ideas from strangers? 
Are we able to build a multi-layered story? 
Are we able to question the gigantic scale of San Aurelio? 
Can people imagine distances on such a huge plot? 
Who are we to determine what is needed there? 
Do we find some answers out there? 
Can we build on the imagination of children?
Do we believe in naive dreams? 
Can we combine contradictory elements in one idea? 
Do we believe in a problem-solving concept? 
Can we test things out in a simulated reality? 
Do we care about sentimental cultures?
 Do we dare to dream about bicycles in Santa Cruz? 
Are we able to imagine 7 kilometers of land? 
Is the site too flat? 
What if there was a lake with little boats? 
Why do we all feel we should cross the site transversely? 
Is there something to be kept in the sugarcane-fields?

Tenemos muchas preguntas, pero no las respuestas:
- Qué es la arquitectura?
- Quien somos y que diseñamos?
- Quién está interesado en nuestro diseño?
- Podemos obtener más información?
- Podemos hacer un plan mas eficiente?
- Podemos usar la información externa como elementos de valoración?
- Podemos hacer un diseño que esté enraizado?
- Podemos confiar en las ideas espontaneas del colectivo urbano?
- Estamos capacitados para crear una idea con múltiples layers?
- Somos capaces de cuestionar la gigante escala de San Aurelio?
- La población puede imaginar la inmensidad del terreno?
- Quienes somos para determinar las necesidades del lugar?
- Encontramos respuestas afuera?
- Podemos construir a partir de la imaginación de los niños?
- Creemos en la ingenuidad de los sueños?
- Podemos tener elementos contradictorios en una sola idea?
- Creemos en el concepto de problema - solución?
- Podemos probar algunas cosas en realidad simulada?
- Nos importan el aspecto cultural?
- Nos atrevemos a soñar con sendas para bicicletas en Santa Cruz?
- Somos capaces de imaginar lo que son 7 km de extensión?
- El terreno es muy plano?
- Que pasa si en el sitio hay lagos con botes?
- Porqué creemos que debemos cruzar el terreno transversalmente?
- hay algo que se deba conservar en las plantaciones de caña de azúcar?

lunes, 15 de abril de 2013




We are a group of 15 young boys and girls
We study, and want to undestand
We want to learn
We want to learn from you

In an exercise on a possible future of san Aurelio

We are interesting in 4 matters; 4 "kind of" starting points:

1.- We would like to get grip on the scale of this land.
2.- We would like to sum up some necessary facilities.
3.- The city is about roads; can we think of "perfect roads"?
4.- Landscape elements that can be used in a lot of ways

From your ideas, a project
will be developped.

Somos un grupo de 15 estudiantes jóvenes, chicos y chicas.
Estudiamos y queremos entender.
Queremos aprender
Queremos aprender de ti
En un ejercicio de posible futuro de San Aurelio
Estamos interesados en 4 temas; “4 tipos de” puntos de partida.

1.- Nos gustaría tener una escala del espacio
2.- Nos gustaría encontrar algunas necesidades
3.-La ciudad está basada en vías. Existe la vía perfecta?
4.- Los elementos del terreno que pueden ser utilizados de diferentes formas.

De tus ideas un proyecto se desarrollará
Mira el blog …
El título:   La tierra prometida
                La rueda prometida

José Antonio
Parque Urbano
El Mechero
24 de septiembre
Escala de relaciones


Tachuelas de colores
